Friday, 30 November 2012

cPROPlus craigslist client v3 58 iOS 4 3+

Release Name: cPROPlus craigslist client v3 58 iOS 4 3+
Release Name: 5.37 MB

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,,,,Title: cPRO+ Craigslist with Notifications for iPhone/iPad v3.58 +##
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::: File Type: IPA ::: Date: 11/29/2012 :::
::: Platform: iOS 4.3+ ::: Cracker: Kim-Jong-Cracks :::
::: Protection: iTunes ::: Size: 5,620,752 bytes :::
Officially Licensed by Craigslist, cPRO+ features an intuitive interface and
essential set of features to browse and post to Craigslist. It also includes
Search Agents that run your Craigslist searches in the background even after you
exit cPRO+ and notify you of new matches.
- simultaneous MULTI-CITY searches
- search results with PHOTOS and listing previews
- all Craigslist cities, states, countries and continents
- enhanced 20+ SEARCH OPTIONS tailored to different search categories – for
sale, housing, jobs, gigs, etc
- NEIGHBORHOOD support in metropolitan areas
- TIME SINCE POSTED indicators
- REFRESH results directly from the results view page
- Best of Craigslist!
- Over 1,000,000 successfully posted ads with the use of the app!
- POST a Craigslist ad directly from CraigsPro+
- post from MULTIPLE Craigslist ACCOUNTS
- take pictures with your CAMERA or use photos from your PHOTO ALBUMS
- full-fledged Craigslist ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT including REPOSTING with photos,
editing, and deleting/undeleting posted ads
- save/bookmark FAVORITE Craigslist ads
- add NOTES to your FAVORITE ads to keep track of your discussions with posters
- save FULLY-CONFIGURED searches
- EDIT saved searches
- a TRACKING SYSTEM for saved searches with new match indicators
- HISTORY of searches. REPEAT a search by tapping the ‘bookmarks’ button
- REPLY to posters by email
- CALL posters directly from CraigsPro
- EMAIL / TEXT a listing to a FRIEND
- attach PHOTOS to replies
- share Craigslist ads on TWITTER
- MAPS and DIRECTIONS to the posted location
- PHOTO WALL with matching results listed as photos
- ALREADY SEEN listing indicators (green checkmarks)
- TIME SINCE POSTED indicators
- FLAG inappropriate and best-of-craigslist ads
- save posted photos to your PHOTO ALBUMS
- SORT results by date, best match, or low/high price
- ORIGINAL listing web page
- results with DATE, LOCATION, and PRICE
- PIN code lock protection
- fully configurable MULTI-CITY search agents
- register any of your searches as a SEARCH AGENT
- search agents keep checking Craiglist until a new listing matching the search
criteria is posted (even after you exit cPRO+)
- new match INDICATORS
- search agents NOTIFY you of new matches using SOUND alerts, vibration, and/or
the number of new hits displayed on top of the app icon
- Register up to 15 Search Agents simultaneously searching in up to 10 cities
- NEW: Unlimited notifications
cPRO+ results are always identical to Craigslist. You have the power of 20+
cPRO+ search options to narrow down the search to what you are interested in.
Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery
The craigslist and associated trademarks are owned by craigslist, Inc. and are
being used under licensed permission from craigslist, Inc. for a limited
What’s New in Version 3.57
- support for all by-owner/dealer subcategories
- improved reliability of notifications
- general performance improvements
What’s New in Version 3.58
- Bug fixes.
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*Many Thanks to: Dissident, Rastignac, TTWJ, Hackulos and Kim-Jong Teams whose*
**hard work produced the tools and resources to bring free apps to the public**
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